A fun-filled day for the International Institute of Gemology at Ole Bazaar Day at Wilson College.

“An expert in anything was once a beginner.”

International Institute of Gemology was glad to be a sponsor at the Ole Bazaar Day, Wilson College. IQAC IN COLLABORATION WITH MUKTANGAN COMMITTEE AND THE INCUBATION CELL ORGANISED the Ole Bazaar Day. This is to encourage the students to understand real-life situations of an entrepreneur at a small scale and develop entrepreneurship skills.

The Ole Bazaar Day event encouraged students to participate by taking up a stall and exhibiting the products and services they want to exhibit at their stall. Products like clothes, jewellery, nail art, braiding etc were exhibited. Students turned into chefs for a day by selling delicious items like Sev puri, Chinese items, cakes, brownies, muffins etc. Games stalls entertained the crowd with fun games along with peppy music anyone can dance to. Students enjoyed stand-up comedies and small acts and swayed to enthralling music beats.

IIG team participated in this event for the day. The vibes were very positive. Many students came up to the IIG stall to enquire about our courses. Some students were aware of the industry and wanted to join our institute, some were fine arts students who wanted to explore jewellery designing, and some students were not aware of the courses so we counselled them. The venue gave students an excellent opportunity to explore career options.

IIG’s motto is to create value and empower students by nourishing and nurturing their talents since 1965. We thank the Wilson College committee to give us an opportunity to exhibit at Ole Bazaar Day.


Charmi Soni Shroff – CHRO
Being a part of the Gems & Jewellery industry for the last 15 years I garnered insights into gems, diamonds and jewellery. I have authored a handbook on casting techniques and various blogs on various methods of healing and meditation with gemstones. Presently working with IIG Mumbai as a writer, author, external spokesperson and PR representative.

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