April Birthstone - Diamond

The Timeless Charm of April Diamond Birthstone

The Story Behind April Diamond Birthstone


The April birthstone is the diamond. This gem is a symbol of everlasting love. Although often colorless, diamonds also may appear in yellow, brown, red, pink, orange, blue, or green, from pale to intense; the more saturated the hue, the more valuable the stone.

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The blue Hope Diamond, once owned by the kings of France and now displayed in the Smithsonian, is a famous example.


The diamond, composed solely of carbon, is the hardest gemstone and can be cut only by another diamond. Diamonds form about 90 miles deep in Earth, at tremendous pressure.

It is believed that the first engagement ring that contained a diamond was given in 1477 by Archduke Maximilian of Austria to his fiancee, Mary of Burgundy. Today, diamonds are the most popular choice of stone for an engagement ring.

In Sanskrit, the diamond is called “vajra,” which also means lightning; in Hindu mythology, vajra was the weapon of Indra, the king of the gods.

The largest known diamond is 2,500 miles wide and weighs approximately 10 billion trillion trillion carats.

A crystallized white dwarf star, it is located in the constellation Centaurus, about 50 light-years from Earth. It is nicknamed “Lucy,” after the Beatles song, “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.”


Considered one of the most precious gems in the world, the diamond is eternally popular and forever stunning. While traditionally white, diamonds do range in hues from colorless to fancy (statured colored diamonds). Of course, one should always consider the 4Cs of diamonds when selecting one for optimal quality.

How Should You Wear It

You can find diamonds being used in a variety of different settings including women’s and men’s jewelry, children’s jewelry, engagement rings, wedding rings and wedding bands, a diamond pendant, men’s watches, and April birthstone jewelry.

Once you have received your very own diamond birthstone, you will want to do everything you can to ensure that is continues to shine brilliantly and sparkle. Use a lint-free cloth to regularly wipe down the diamond. You can also use a bit of warm water and a soft-bristled toothbrush to give it an even deeper clean.

It is also recommended that you take all your diamond jewelry to get cleaned professionally. They will also be able to examine the setting of the diamond to help maintain its integrity and beauty over the years.

Stay tuned for our next blog on birthstones!

If you’re on the lookout for top-tier diamond courses online, your search ends here! Dive into our comprehensive range of diamond courses designed to enrich your understanding of these precious gemstones. Whether you’re a novice or an industry professional looking to enhance your expertise, our courses cater to diverse skill levels and interests.

Discover the fascinating world of diamonds as you delve into topics such as gemstone identification, grading techniques, ethical sourcing, and market trends. Our expert-led modules offer a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical insights, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience. With interactive lessons, hands-on exercises, and cutting-edge resources, you’ll gain invaluable insights that will elevate your proficiency in the field.

Embark on a journey of discovery and mastery with our diamond courses, unlocking a wealth of knowledge and opportunities in the realm of gemology. Join us today and take the first step towards becoming a proficient diamond enthusiast or professional.

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