March Birthstone – Aquamarine


Aquamarine is the birthstone for the month of March. It is associated with the Pisces Zodiac sign. It symbolises youth and happiness.

Meaning of Aquamarine

The word is derived from the Latin word AQUA means WATER and MARINA means SEA. Aquamarine is called the sailor’s stone because in ancient times it was used to protect sailors from storms and seasickness. 


The aquamarine is said to have fallen from a treasure chest of a mermaid. In the Greek and Roman myths, aquamarine was the jewel of Neptune. It became a mystic stone of healers and prophets. In Roman folklore, wearing aquamarine turned enemies into friends. In Buddhism, aquamarine is a symbol of the ocean, love and mercy. They also predicted the future with the help of aquamarine crystal balls. It has found mentioned in literature and Nobles possess it as their crown jewels.


It belongs to the Beryl family and is found in very light blue in colour. The rich blue colour is very expensive. It is a semi-precious gemstone, used in silver and gold jewellery as a faceted or cabochon. 


Aquamarine has a Mohs hardness of 7.5 to 8. It is a property that enables resistance to scratch. Aquamarine is a brittle stone and can chip upon impact. 


Gem-quality Aquamarine crystals form in the cavity below the Earth’s surface during the late stages of magma body crystallization. The crystals are formed in hexagonal columns. The iron in aquamarine crystals gives them a blue colour. The chemical composition is Beryllium Aluminium Silicate – Be3Al2 (SIO3)6.


Brazil is the leading source of gem-quality aquamarine. It is also found in India, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan. Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Tanzania and Zambia. 

Healing and Spiritual

The spiritual meaning of the stone is one that of ‘cleansing’. Aquamarine brings good luck, protection and fearlessness out in the open water. This calming stone brings courage and relieves fears and phobias. It clears blockages related to self–expression. It reduces stress and quiets the mind. It harmonises the surrounding and protects the wearer.

Physical Properties

Aquamarine is helpful to the thyroid gland, sore throat, and swollen glands, regulates the hormones and promotes growth. It strengthens the organ, eyes, jaws, teeth and stomachs. It calms overreaction and anxiety.

Chakra Healing.

It corresponds to the 5th Chakra – the Throat Chakra. It helps the wearer to communicate well with clear thoughts, and openness. It helps with the fear of public speaking. It helps to overcome anxiety and remain calm under stressful conditions. It imparts courage to the wearer and brings joy and harmony in life.


The 19th year of the marriage anniversary is celebrated by gifting an aquamarine. 


There are 6 famous Aquamarines in the World

  1. The Dom Pedro – The famous gem cutter from Germany Bernd Munstiener cut this crystal style as an elongated obelisk with straight channels crossing each other. It was named after Dom Pedro, the first two emperors of Brazil – Pedro I and Pedro II. It weighs 10,363 cts and was found in Pedra Azul, Minas Gerais, Brazil in the 1980s.
  2. Most Precious – It is a 1000 cts rectangular gem sourced from Brazil. It was donated to the Smithsonian’s Hall of Gems in 1963 by Evyan Perfumes inc. named after their well-known perfume.
  3. The Roosevelt Aquamarine- in 1936 Brazilian President Getulio Vargas gave a beautiful 1298 cts aquamarine gemstone to the US First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt when they visited Brazil. It is the 2nd largest gemstone.
  4. Queen Elizabeth’s Aquamarine Tiara- This tiara features several Brazilian aquamarines. In 1957 she commissioned the tiara from Garrard to match her aquamarine necklace and earrings. She set it with the aquamarines and diamonds received from Brazilian President Getulio Vargas at the time of her coronation. 1971 the aquamarine centre piece was replaced by a bigger centre stone.
  5. The Hirsch Aquamarine – It was once owned by French Emperor Louis XV and weighs 109.92 cts. It is said to soothe the emperor.
  6. Meghan Markle’s Engagement Ring – It is a ring which belonged to Princess Diana and weighs 30 cts.


You can learn more about Aquamarine and other gemstones in the IIG’s Gemology course. Avail free Gem Identification kits with the course.


Visit the fastest-expanding premier education institute of the Gems and Jewellery Industry at our locations at Mumbai – Opera House & Andheri (East), Bengaluru, Kolkata and Surat. 

We are easily accessible on Instagram, Facebook, and Google. You can visit our website: and write to us at:








The Dom Pedro Aquamarine.

Charmi Soni Shroff – CHRO
Being a part of the Gems & Jewellery industry for the last 15 years I garnered insights into gems, diamonds and jewellery. I have authored a handbook on casting techniques and various blogs on various methods of healing and meditation with gemstones. Presently working with IIG Mumbai as a writer, author, external spokesperson and PR representative.


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