August Birthstones : Sardonyx, Peridot & Spinel

Birthstones of August

Peridot, Spinel, and Sardonyx are the three birthstones of August. Peridot is found in the hardened lava and is thus known for being formed under extreme conditions. It is also found in the meteorites that travelled to Earth from outer space. Spinel has remained to be underappreciated until recently, as red spinel looks similar to ruby and consumers preferred ruby over spinel. Sardonyx is the original August birthstone that dates back to 4000 years ago.

Introduction to Sardonyx

Sardonyx is the most ancient and obscure one of the three August birthstones. It is a combination of layers of sard and onyx, two types of layered mineral chalcedony, that creates reddish-white zebra-striped bands on the gemstone. The word “sardonyx” comes from ancient Greek, wherein sard means ‘stone from Sardis’ and onyx means ‘claw’, ‘nail’, or ‘veined gem’. Since ancient times, sardonyx has been used as a stone of protection and strength and is associated with happiness, courage, and clear communication. It is also placed in different corners of the house to protect from an evil eye.

History of Sardonyx

Sardonyx has been popular for over 4000 years now, since the Second Dynasty of Egypt. Centuries ago, ancient Greeks and Romans wore sardonyx talismans to the battlefields to harness bravery, courage, victory, and protection. They also had images of ancient gods and heroes, like Hercules and Mars, engraved on the talismans. During the Renaissance, orators and public speakers associated it with eloquence and wore the gem for clear communication and right thinking. Unlike rare gemstones that have been mainly limited to the royal and elite class, sardonyx is popular with both elite and regular people. It is a relatively common and affordable gemstone that is beautiful to be added to anyone’s collection.

Characteristics of Sardonyx

Sardonyx has a matte finish that gives a rustic and earthy feel to the gemstone and the jewellery made out of it. It ranges in colour from reddish-brown to yellowish-red, depending on the presence of iron oxide. Some of the finest examples of Sardonyx, displaying sharp contrast in layers, are found in India. Other sources of gemstone around the world include Germany, Brazil, United States, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Uruguay, and Madagascar.

How to Buy Sardonyx Jewellery

Sardonyx makes a great gift for someone who is born in the month of August. The most attractive sardonyx stone is the one that shows high contrast between the white bands of onyx and the reddish layers of sard. Sardonyx may be translucent or opaque and rarely shows fractures or flaws. Though the quality factors of this August gemstone are not clearly defined, the 4Cs do apply. It is widely available and moderately priced up to the size of 10 carats. The most common cut in sardonyx is cabochon, which enhances and emphasizes the layers of the gemstone. As far back as Roman times, imitation and artificial sardonyx have been produced by adding pigments or treating with acid to enhance its colours. However, these processes affect the original quality of the gemstone and make it less valuable. Hence, it is essential to keep an eye on the authenticity of sardonyx while buying it.

Cleaning and caring of Sardonyx

Using soapy water or steam to clean sardonyx jewellery is safe. Use a soft brush and warm soapy water to clean the stone, and avoid using household chemicals and cleaning products. Sardonyx can be damaged or scratched by other gemstones with higher hardness, so it must be stored safely, wrapped up in a cotton cloth, away from other jewellery pieces.


Stay tuned to know more about birthstones!


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