Birthstone of the Month (April): Diamond

Diamond, the toughest & one of the most sought-after gemstones in the world, is the birthstone of April. Those born in April are lucky enough to have this scintillating gem, which is a symbol of strength and clarity, as their birthstone. Read the entire article below to know in detail about the highly loved gemstone!

History of Diamond

The word ‘diamond’ comes from the Greek word “adamas” which means unbreakable. The history of diamonds can be traced back to India where the rivers and streams were the rich resources for gathering this gemstone. As early as the 4th century BCE, diamonds were a luxury of the rich, elite, and royals. Gradually, they were brought to the medieval markets in Venice by the caravans from India. With the passing of time, diamonds became an accessory of fashion & class amongst the European elite. In modern times, diamonds have gained a reputed status & symbol of being a woman’s best friend. They love receiving diamonds as much as they love to buy them for themselves.

India remained to be the major source of diamonds, but Brazil took over in the early 1700s. Diamonds are now mined all around the world, with Russia one of the top producers of voluminous & valuable diamonds today.

Characteristics of Diamond

Diamond is the toughest gemstone that can be cut by only another diamond. It ranks 10 on Moh’s scale of hardness. This April birthstone is believed to have healing powers with properties of strength, longevity, happiness, and beauty associated to it. Diamonds are naturally found in multiple colours ranging from blue, green, pink, purple, red, as well as gray, white, black, and brown. Diamonds are considered the symbol of eternal love & undying romance. Its toughness & durability are considered to resemble the strength in love & relationships, hence the line, “A Diamond is Forever”.

Caring & Cleaning of Diamond

As diamond is a highly durable gemstone, it can be safely cleaned using an ultrasonic cleaner. However, treated diamonds and the ones with multiple inclusions must be cleaned using mild soap, warm water, a soft toothbrush, and a cotton cloth. You can also use the commercial cleaning solution available in the market.

When are you getting your next diamond?

Stay tuned for more on gemstones of the month & jewellery!


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