Birthstone of the Month (July): Ruby


Ruby, the birthstone of the month July, is one of the most valued gemstones. The word ruby originates from the Latin word ‘ruber’, which means red. The colour of ruby is considered its most unique feature that makes it stand out from other gemstones. Ruby is deep red with a hint of purple, which is popularly known as “pigeon’s blood” colour amongst traders. It gets its unique colour due to the presence of the element chromium; the more chromium, the stronger the red colour. For some, ruby stands as a symbolic representation of the sun, while for others, it represents love, romance, integrity, courage, passion, healing, and prosperity.


Ruby has remained to be a prized possession for emperors and kings since ancient times. In ancient India, it was referred to as “the king of precious stones”. Known for its beauty, hardness, rarity, and seemingly mystical powers, ruby symbolized youthful energy and power in ancient Indian times. Throughout the ancient history of the royals, ruby has been believed to protect the royal warriors on the battlefield. According to legends, these warriors implanted rubies under their skin to gain valour. This July birthstone is believed to ward off disasters and dangers. Additionally, Europeans of medieval times believed that rubies bestowed health, wealth, wisdom, and success in love. Traditionally, ruby is gifted on the occasion of 15th and 40th wedding anniversaries.


Ruby has high refractivity when cut and polished. It becomes green in colour when exposed to high temperatures and regains its original colour on cooling. While ruby is famous for its durability and toughness, it can still be fractured or chipped if used roughly. The colour of ruby ranges from pale rose red to deep cochineal and has a tinge of purple in some cases. Ruby gains its red colour when chromium atoms replace a small number of aluminium atoms. The gemstone could be identified when these impurities cause it to fluoresce. As it is a pleochroic gemstone, ruby displays a lighter or more intense colour on viewing from different angles. Its ‘pigeon blood red’ is considered the brightest ruby and is the most valuable of all. This colour is often found in a Burmese Ruby and only associated with the Mogok Valley mines in Myanmar. It is an indication of rich, hot, and fully red with a slight hue of blue that is associated with the colour of a white pigeon’s eye.

Cleaning and Caring

While ruby is popular for its durability, it is still not advisable to wear it roughly. If you come in constant contact with harsh chemicals, it could deplete the quality of the gemstone. It is best to store rubies in a fabric-lined box and away from other jewelleries as it may scratch other softer gemstones. To clean rubies, use soapy water and brush gently; you can also use commercial jewellery cleaner. It is important to rinse and dry the stone thoroughly before storing it.


To know more about the July birthstone, visit


Stay tuned to know more about birthstones!


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