A guide to re – charge and care for your crystals

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How to recharge your crystals.

It is very essential to look after the crystals you have chosen for meditation on regular basis. There are some effective pointers for you to take care of the crystals. Each of your crystal and crystal jewellery are structured differently. Some of your crystals do not damage easily and some of them are fragile. It is important for you to take care of them as you use them regularly for meditation.

Crystal Care

You need to keep it in a good place or wrap it in cotton or velvet cloth or bag. You can adjust, cleanse and programme your precious crystals whenever necessary. You can clear crystal energies after using it for some time by reprogramming it for better result. This helps you to heal your inner spirituality.

Methods you can use to cleanse the crystals used for meditation.

Running Water.

Hold your crystal under a running water tap. Water neutralises all the negative energies of the crystal. Use this method of cleansing only for hard stones. Make your intention that all negative energy is washed away.


Some of your crystals can be energised by leaving it under sunlight. You can cleanse your crystals in the sunlight at any time of the day. This method is used for tumbled crystals. Some crystals like the vibrant amethyst may fade if left in sunlight for a long time. Leave your crystal under the sunlight for a full day and it is energised by the sunlight.


Place your crystal on your windowsill at night. You can also check the lunar cycle of the moon before placing your crystal on it. Allow the moonlight to draw off any impurities from your meditation Crystal. You can take the crystal off the next morning to use it for meditation.

Rock Salt or Sea Salt.

Rock salt or sea salt is an effective cleansing agent. It absorbs all the negative energies of your crystals. Use this method only for your hard crystals like quartz and amethyst. Put your crystal/ stone in a dish and then cover it with rock or sea salt. Leave it for a day or two. Remove it, clean it and it is ready to use for your meditation.


Native Americans used the smudging technique with sage leaves. It clears all the inharmonious vibrations and restores the positive energies. Light the sage and allow your crystal to sit in the smoke or pass the smoke through it. Do keep your windows open if you are smudging indoors.

Programming of Crystals.

Your crystal has subtle electro – magnetic vibration.
Choose the right crystal for your intention.
Stand in the natural light if possible.
Be clear in your purpose and intention.
You need to think of a right phrase like ‘I dedicate this crystal to bring happiness in my life and clear
all obstacles.’
Hold the crystal in your hand.
Feel for any vibration.
Say your intention or the prayer out loud or in your mind.
Repeat it as many times as you want.
You can visualise the crystal while making your intention.
Your crystal is now reprogrammed for your meditation.

Clear quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, Smoky quartz and black tourmaline are some of the very effective crystals you can meditate on. It is beneficial to know the hardness, softness and porosity about the crystals that you are reprogramming for meditation.

Charmi Soni

My family is in the business of gems and diamonds exports since 1962. I am in the trade of gems and jewelry from the last 15 yrs and learnt various aspects pertaining to the trade.  Being a part of this industry I garnered insights on gems, diamonds and jewelry.  I have knowledge of manufacturing jewelry. I have authored a handbook on casting techniques. I write blogs on various methods of healing and meditation with gemstones.




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