How Knowledgeable Does a Click Make You?

How Knowledgeable Does a Click Make You?

Yes, the internet is an endless pool of information, but it is amazing to know how technology has brought the mentor-student relationship online. It has been a boon to talent, creating niche demand and supply opportunities too! We at SRDC are applying this to the maximum benefit of all keen learners, anywhere, anytime.

How Knowledgeable Does a Click Make You?Today, we have eight online courses in the study areas of gemology, diamonds, and gemstones. These include Basic Gemology, Advanced Gemology, Gem Identification, Diamonds, Colored Gemstones, Career Gemology, Opals and Jade, and Organic Gemstones. SRDC also has a collaboration with World Gem Foundation to promote study in gemology.

The course materials of each subject have been designed with extra attention to give the enriched benefit of learning from our courses as one would do in our classrooms. Our books published online resemble the look and feel of their print versions, so as to make learning as good as a classroom session. We have adopted digital payment solutions for a seamless experience.

We understand many aspire for careers and skill empowerment in this industry, but may not have time at their disposal to sit in classrooms. Thus applying anywhere, anytime advantage of online is how we see this industry grow with more focused talent.

SRDC has been pioneering education in the field of gems, diamonds, and gemology for decades without compromising knowledge. Our intention has remained to not only impart information but to do so in a manner that makes encourages a student to think, experience, and grow in knowledge, not just awareness. SRDC online courses do exactly the same.How Knowledgeable Does a Click Make You?

Our scope in this field is endless and we aim to take the courses across borders, to many countries, and in many languages. Currently, we are bringing a diamond trading course online. We see possibilities of learning opening up with the online medium and foresee talent will flourish in the industry, in the days to come.


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