IIG interacts on astrology and gems with Dr Sundeep Kochar, Internationally Renowned Celebrity Astrologer

“Anyone can become a millionaire but to become a billionaire you need a good astrologer” celebrity Indian astrologer Dr Sundeep Kochar (quoted by an eminent industrialist)

We were fortunate to meet Dr Sundeep Kochar, the motivational speaker at the 8th IIBS IBJA Summit. We had an enlightening interaction with him on astrology and gemstones.


IIG: What made you choose astrology as a career?

Dr SK: I was a cricketer and I wanted to play for India. That was my only dream to play at international level. So, I used to meet lots of astrologers who were famous at that time and they used to tell me that I will become famous one day. However, due to some circumstances, I couldn’t pursue my career in cricket. But, eventually, I found another area to play – astrology. I started exploring about my life and from early on, I had a philosophical bent of mind. This created an interest in me to learn astrology.

IIG: How old is Vedic Astrology?

Dr SK: Astrology is an ancient science and a part of the Vedas, the oldest Sanskrit scriptures that date more than 5,000 years.


IIG: What are the different ways to follow astrology?

Dr SK: There are different methods to follow astrology. Some follow gemology, vastu shastra, numerology, tarot card reading, reiki to palmistry, face reading, and Jyotish.

IIG: Can astrology predict your life from birth?

Dr SK: Astrology is a roadmap for your life. The planets that are aligned at the time of your birth play a very important role in your life. It is like a roadmap which impacts all aspects of your life. Some follow it to find out about their life journey or predict their future or name a child, find a suitable life partner, decide on their career path or buy something big like a house or car, while politicians even use it to make big decisions.

IIG: Our students are studying to make a career in the Gems and Jewellery Industry, can astrology define their career?

Dr SK: The calculation which we do in astrology in India is quite deep as compared to the sun sign or the 12 zodiac–based astrology which the westerners follow. Indian astrology comprises 108 types of personalities that are derived from 27 Nakshatra (constellations) which are further divided into four padas (sections or quarters).

In an Indian horoscope, the combination of nine planets placed in 12 different houses at the moment of your birth is crucial to predict one’s horoscope and telling various things about your life. Students can benefit from astrology and gain success as it shows a roadmap of your life.

IIG: Do you believe in the Gemology and the power of Gemstones?

Dr SK: Stones can’t bring miracles. It can strengthen and enhance the planet which is good for you. But one must consult an astrologer and then wear a gemstone on the right hand.

IIG: How do gemstones work, if a person wants to wear and begin a fruitful career and become famous?

Dr SK: There is a logic to it because it is the colour of the gemstone through which the light enters your fingers and through your body, boosts elements in your body which you are made of. That is how it works.

IIG: Our team member Charmi has a question: Is it beneficial to wear gemstones as per the grahs (planets) or healing gemstones associated with the Chakras?

Dr SK: Each house in astrology has a specific role to play in a person’s life. The astrologer, like myself, studies the birth chart minutely and then suggests the gemstones that will bring positive benefits in life. Healing Chakras with gemstones is a completely different science and requires thorough knowledge as it could harm a person if not done correctly.

IIG: How did you find the Gemology Programs at IIG?

Dr SK: Gemology is a very vast field involving many aspects. I am glad to know that a reputed institution of the Gems and Jewellery Industry like yours offers Programs on Gemology. I urge all astrologers seeking to learn about gemstones, to enroll for the Navratnam Program at IIG. This Program covers the topic of the Navagrahas and their significance in Vedic Astrology through theoretical and practical sessions. They have a hybrid Navratnam Program available which you can study in the comfort of your home.

IIG: Thank you Dr Sundeep for your valuable time.

“One will remain a learner unless he finds a teacher” – Dr Sundeep Kochar. Connect here: https://www.sundeepkochar.com

Follow the internationally renowned celebrity astrologer, vastu consultant, motivational speaker, life coach, actor, anchor & author on instagram @sundeep.kochar

Visit the fastest-growing premier Education Institute of the Gems and Jewellery Industry at our pan-India locations including Mumbai & Surat. We are easily accessible on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter @iigofficial



Author:- Charmi Soni Shroff – CHRO

Being a part of the Gems & Jewellery industry for the last 15 years I garnered insights into gems, diamonds and jewellery. I have authored a handbook on casting techniques and various blogs on various methods of healing and meditation with gemstones. Presently working with IIG Mumbai as a writer, author, external spokesperson and PR representative.

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