What Is A Carat?
Carat weight is the standard unit of weight used for weighing all gems, Including diamonds. The name ‘Carat’ is derived from the Greek name Keration or Kernal of the Carob bean that comes from the Locust tree. They weight almost equal to 0.197 grams. The carat was finally accepted and adopted as a standard unit of weight, by 1907, according to the metric system. The metric carat equal to 0.200 gms. Thus, 5 carats = 1 gram diamonds, weighing less than 1 carat are measured in points. A diamond of 10 points (carats) is a diamond that weighs 0.10 carats.

Different terms are used to describe different sizes such as – 2, star, melee, pointers, quarters, halves, solitaire.
The name CARAT is also used for other gems than diamond but has no relation what even with the KARAT of Gold.
The Karat of gold expresses the quantity of pure gold in a gold alloy up 24/24 of the total mass :
24 Karat gold (24K) is pure at 99.9%
18 Karat gold (18K) is pure at 75% etc.
The choice of the same word for different units of measurement is very regrettable.
Diamond Weight – Estimation
By measuring the dimensions of your diamond you can also estimate its weight by a mathematical formula that Incorporates into its diamonds, real-time density. This may be necessary if you are trying to calculate the weight of a stone, or stones, mounted into a piece of jewellery.
If you were to estimate the weight for a round brilliant cut diamond the formula requires you to measure the minimum girdle diameter (Min) and the Max girdle diameter (Max), which allows you to calculate the average girdle diameter (A.G.D.), and the height (H) of the diamond. Within this form, we also apply a constant numerical factor based on the specific gravity of a diamond and its shapes (0.0061)
Ø = Average Diameter (mm)
h = Height (mm)
0.0061 = Constant factor
Average Girdle Diameter = (Min + Max) / 2
Estimate Weight = Ø2 x h x 0.0061
Weighing Diamonds using Digital Scale
Formerly in the trade “Dharam Ka Kanta” was used as a proof of diamond weight
Steps to weigh diamonds as follows:
- Whileusingadigitalscaleplacethecontainertillthe0.00reading.
- Placediamondsinthecontainerwiththehelpofascoop.
- Then weigh.
- While weighing a third digit decimal is referred to as “Doras” 11.442 — 2 is referred as Dora.
- Generally while weighing round diamonds if the “Dora” is 9 & it can be rounded off.
Note: Never place your hand on the table while weighing. b) Never weigh if the fan is on or window is open as the reading is affected

The CARAT weight of a gem is not to be confused with the word “KARAT” which is a term used to describe the purity of gold.
A few days ago, the world’s second largest diamond, after the famous Cullinan Diamond (3,106 carats), was discovered in Botswana. It weighs 1,111 carats and is the largest gem found in the past century. It is rare for miners to find 1-carat diamonds, so to uncover any diamond of such a large size is truly remarkable.
Total Carat Weight vs. Carat Weight
If a jewelry item has more than one gemstone involved in its design, it will most likely be weighed in Total Carat Weight (TW).
- Total Carat Weight – The combined carat weight of all the diamonds in a single piece of jewelry. For example, if you have an engagement ring with a 1-carat diamond flanked by two 0.50-carat diamond melees, the total carat weight of that ring would be 2 carats.
- Carat Weight – The carat weight of a single gemstone.
Why Do Carats Matter?
The more carats a gem has, the rarer it is in nature. Think about it, the chance of finding a rock deep within the mines that aren’t crumbled into tiny pieces is extremely rare. Finding one that also has good clarity and color is even more unique. Therefore, the greater the carats, the higher the price.
What You Should Know
- Carat Weight Does Not Indicate Quality – Two diamonds with the same carat weight can have extremely different costs. This is because the other three C’s come into play and maybe more important in determining a specific diamond’s value. Of the Four C’s, carat weight is the last thing you should consider when finding the right diamond.
- A Fraction of a Carat Can Make a Big Difference In Price – Here’s a little trick of the trade, if you see two diamonds that look very similar in size, color, cut, and clarity but one weighs .92 carats and the other weighs 1.01 carats, the 1.01 carat will cost significantly more. And yet, the two diamonds could look exactly alike to the naked eye. Often times, buying a diamond that is just a fraction of a carat smaller than your desired carat weight can cost you 20% less. Keep this in mind when you make your purchase.
- The Most Popular Engagement Ring Size – O.50 TO 0.75 Carats.