We Push Talent By Recruiting It!

We Push Talent By Recruiting It!

Being a part of the gem and jewellery industry weaves many stories. While some may want to be jewellery designers, others find purpose as sorters, or polishers; the list is endless. There is a common aspiration behind each – that of achieving self growth and contributing towards industry growth. Unfortunately, these beliefs are challenged at the point of recruitment.

Recruitment continues to be seen from the traditional point of view wherein hiring individuals sharing similar backgrounds or connections with members who part of a company for 2-3 years is still a common norm. There are fewer recruitment opportunities for talented students graduating from Institutes. Sadly, talent largely continues to be overridden by tradition. What is the need of the hour is to recognize talent.

When a student graduates from SRDC, the training already places the student one step ahead in the knowledge process. For a company, recruiting a candidate with knowledge of basics is like beginning at a more advanced stage, and it’s taking a bigger leap. We combine theory with practical training. That is why our students are not just aware but have an understanding of markets, the industry and various aspects of diamonds, jewellery and gemstones. A student learns what one would on job training. They are groomed with knowledge about Expos, price, goods, business culture specific to those markets and hence are assets already.

While we create talent, we are also constantly in contact with the recruiters at company premises. We do sight an emerging trend of companies adopting the professional Human Resource (HR) route for recruitment. SRDC connects with the HR personnel on a regular basis to be up-to-date on opportunities and also encourages staff recruitment for specific requirements like baggers, sorters etc.

Some of the companies where our students have been successfully employed include Hari Krishna Exports Pvt. Ltd., KP Sanghvi & Sons, Laxmi Diamond. Jewellery designers from SRDC have been employed at Inter Gold (India) Pvt. Ltd. and diamond professionals at KGK Group. Our new course in Retail Management helps prepare candidates who have a retail specific learning and are ready to take on the job demands of a showroom.

We Push Talent By Recruiting It!We like to see talent find its place in the industry and this motivates us to even expose our students to new and innovative experiences. We have aligned with Airborne, an international recruitment company, after hearing of the good experience of one of our past students. After visiting the SRDC campus, Airborne was drawn to recruit our students for the role of sales representatives of luxury brands including Gucci, Tanishq, on their cruise. This is an excellent opportunity for a short term experience for the adventurous minds.

We also have an initiative where we train mentally challenged students from S.P.J Sadhana School, for 2-3 years, and prepare them to take on jobs in the gem and jewellery industry. It is our hope to see companies in the gem and jewellery sector come forward to create new approaches in CSR and recruit such talent too.

All it needs is a belief and the rest simply follows. We look forward to seeing the industry groom itself on talent.

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