
June Birthstone – Moonstone


The June birthstone is Moonstone and is associated with the Gemini zodiac sign.

Meaning of Moonstone

It is named for its moon-like sheen, Moonstone is a Feldspar mineral exhibiting a soft, watery opaqueness and a silvery-white reflection called chatoyancy that moves as a line across the surface as light varies.

History of Moonstone 

In Ancient Rome, the moonstone was often called the “Traveller’s Stone.” Their name for the moonstone, “Aphroselene,” was derived from the goddesses of love and the moon, Aphrodite and Selene. 

Moonstone folklore

Aphroselene necklaces would protect the wearer on their journeys and were particularly popular among sailors. Moonstones are better protectors at night. Under the moon’s lunar energy, all travels guided by a moonstone talisman should end without tragedy. The moonstone’s adularescent ability to retain light reinforced the belief in this property.

The Romans thought that it was made of frozen moonlight. The stone is used in connection with the deity Luna.

In Hinduism, it is embedded in the forehead of the Hindu God Ganesha.


Moonstone is a variety of feldspar groups of orthoclase and albite. During the moonstone formation orthoclase and albite change each other creating thin layers. When light falls between these layers, it scatters in many directions, producing a moonlike sheen which is called the adularescence phenomenon.


Moonstone occurs in delicate shades of peach, green, blue, grey, and white and a prismatic variety is known as Rainbow Moonstone.

Types of Moonstone
Types of Moonstone


The moonstone has a hardness of 6.0 and 6.5 on the Mohs scale,


Moonstones are found in India, Sri Lanka, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, the United States, and Madagascar.

Healing & Spiritual Properties

It gives the wearer mental clarity. It’s also believed to enhance the connection to the divine feminine, increasing feelings of nurturing, spiritual curiosity, surrender and acceptance, and patience. It is a calming gemstone.

Physical Properties

The moonstone assists with fertility issues and balances the hormones. It soothes emotional instability and stress and stabilises emotions by providing calmness

Chakra Healing

Moonstone corresponds to the heart chakra, third eye chakra and crown chakra. It helps us to look within and connect to the Universe.


Moonstone is gifted as the 3rd Wedding Anniversary.

Popular Culture

The Moonstone is the Florida State Gemstone; it was designated as such in 1970 to commemorate the Moon landings of Apollo 11, which took off from Kennedy Space Centre.

Famous Moonstone of the World

1) The Iris Moonstone necklace resides in the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington. The central stone of the necklace is a marquise-cut moonstone that exhibits the one-of-a-kind cat’s eye effect. The backside of the necklace features a very special engraving: “By the light of a silver moon an ocean of life awaits your magical touch.”

Moonstone Necklace
Moonstone Necklace

2) Kilimanjaro in 1918 was reputed to weigh between 300 and 450 carats and this might be the largest known moonstone.

Moonstone Stone
Moonstone Stone

Learn about different types of Moonstones at IIG. We have Programs like Masters in Gemology, Gemology Graduate and where you will learn about Moonstone– origins, colour and grading. Explore the world of Moonstone with IIG.

Visit the fastest-growing premier Education Institute of the Gems and Jewellery Industry at our pan-India locations including Mumbai & Surat.

We are easily accessible on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter @iigofficial

Author:- Charmi Soni Shroff

Being a part of the Gems & Jewellery industry for the last 15 years I garnered insights into gems, diamonds and jewellery. I have authored a handbook on casting techniques and various blogs on various methods of healing and meditation with gemstones. Presently working with IIG Mumbai as a writer, author, external spokesperson and PR representative

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