June Birthstone – Pearl


The June birthstone is Peal and is associated with the Gemini zodiac sign.


Pearl is associated with the planet Moon – Chandra in India Astrology. It strengthens the mental faculties, calms the mind and increases the peace of the mind.

Meaning of Pearl

The name Pearl comes from the old French Perle. The Latin word for “pearl” is “margarita”, which means “that which is precious or excellent”. 

History of Pearl

Pearl’s discovery is older than written history. There is no mention of when the first pearl was discovered in history. The earliest mention of pearl was in a sarcophagus of a Persian princess that dates back to 420 BC. Pearls were gifted to Chinese royalty as early as 2300 BC. In Rome owning a Pearl was considered a status symbol. The pearls were discovered in Central and South America in the 15th and 16th Centuries which led to the Pearl Age.

Pearl Folklore

Pearl folklore is found in many ancient cultures. The Japanese folktales were abundant where they mentioned that pearls were created from the tears of mythical creatures like mermaids and nymphs. The early Chinese believed that the dragons carried pearls between their teeth and that the dragon had to be slain to attain wisdom. The phrase Pearls of Wisdom is used in this generation also. Pearls are also known as the tears of God when Even was exiled out of Eden she cried pearls. 


When a foreign particle enters an oyster, the pearl is a defensive response to it. It starts secreting concentric layers and a nacre forms around the foreign particle. This way several layers are created and a Pearl Is formed.


Pearls are found in different colours like white, off-white, cream, grey, pink, champagne, purple, black, green, brown, chocolate, lavender, gold and blue. 



On a Mohs scale, the hardness of a Pearl is 2.5 to 4.5.


Natural Pearls are found in the Gulf of Persia, the Gulf of Myanmar, China, Japan, Korea, Australia, South of the Pacific Ocean, Seas of Europe, North & South America, India and Canada. 

Healing & Spiritual Properties

Pearls help to balance the hormones and the natural body rhythm with the lunar cycles. It enhances wisdom and strengthens pure love. It calms and soothes the mind and brings out a balance in our emotions. They promote faith, honesty, purity, wisdom, charity and personal integrity. Pearls soothe and heal the negativity and struggle that occurs in your life be it occasionally or for a long period of time.

Physical Properties

Pearls are used for fertility and childbirth. Pearls are used for diseases like tuberculosis, asthma, and chronic bronchitis.

Chakra Healing

Pearls can help heal the Sacral Chakra or the Heart Chakra and Crown Chakra. 


Pearl is gifted on the 30th Wedding Anniversary.

Popular Culture

Pearls were loved by popular royalty and actresses like Elizabeth Taylor, Jackie Kennedy, Audrey Hepburn, Princess Diana, and more recently, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge.




1) The Pearl of Allah

It was known as the Lao Tsu Pearl. It is one of the largest pearls which was found in the Philippines. It was given to Wilburn Cobb by a tribal chief for saving his son. It weighs 14 pounds and 10 inches.

2) La Peregrina Pearl

La Peregrina means ‘The Wanderer’ was found in 1500 near Panama. It was later gifted to King Phillip II of Spain who gave it to his wife Queen Mary. It is a 56-carat pear-shaped pearl. The Pearl passed many hands throughout history from Queens of France, Austria and Napoleon Bonaparte. Richard Burton bought it for Elizabeth Taylor as a Valentine’s Day gift. It was sold for $11 million at an auction.

3) The Abernathy Pearl

Abernathy Pearl was found by diver Bill Abernathy in the Scotland River Tay in 1967. It was displayed in a jewellery store for almost 30 years and then sold in 1992. Currently, no one knows who owns it.

4) The Arco Valley Pearl 

This is the second-largest pearl, the Arco Valley Pearl was owned by the famous explorer Marco Polo and was given by the Mongolian Emperor Khubilai Khan.

5) The Imperial Hongkong Pearl 

A baroque pearl was owned by Chinese royalty and is the size of a bird’s egg. It is known for its colour and lustre.

6) Jomon Pearl

The oldest pearl dating back 5000 years was found in Arabian Peninsula. Also known as Jamun Pearl. It is native to Japan.

Learn about different types of pearls at IIG. We have Programs like Masters in Gemology, Gemology Graduate and Pearl Graduate where you will learn about pearls – origins, colour and grading.  Explore the world of Pearls with IIG.

Visit the fastest-growing premier Education Institute of the Gems and Jewellery Industry at our pan-India locations including Mumbai & Surat.

We are easily accessible on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter @iigofficial.


Author:- Charmi Soni Shroff

Being a part of the Gems & Jewellery industry for the last 15 years I garnered insights into gems, diamonds and jewellery. I have authored a handbook on casting techniques and various blogs on various methods of healing and meditation with gemstones. Presently working with IIG Mumbai as a writer, author, external spokesperson and PR representative.

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