Not Just Gemology, You Find Your Forte Too!

Not Just Gemology, You Find Your Forte Too!

Oh Gemstones! The brilliance of their hues breathes life into the simplest of jewellery designs! What satisfaction it is then to work with them, to be a gemologist! The study of Gemology is surely as interesting as it is vast. This is why, it is important that when one is selecting a gemology course, one opts for a course that goes beyond superficial briefings of these mystical gemstones. One must acquire a focus and deep understanding of the field both in a practical and theoretical way to make a successful career in the field.

The Gemology Course at SRDC goes beyond tutoring, to support you to find your niche. So, how does SRDC do this? With a practical approach and addressing today’s market needs.

Not Just Gemology, You Find Your Forte Too!IT’S NOT FYI, ITS FY’UNDERSTANDING’

SRDC’s Gemology courses can easily be described as the need of the hour’ because they are in sync with the latest market happenings. The course combines both theory and practical training sessions but it is the practical sessions that bring a student to experience.

At SRDC, a gemology student does more than handle gemstones with the instruments. One learns about day-to-day trading gemstone updates based on volume and carat, price levels based on the quality of gemstones, to name a few. Students work with a large variety of specimens shown as per the course curriculum, learn of the origins of gemstones, optical properties etc. The SRDC gemology courses also tackle the more recent industry developments like artificial and natural gemstone detection.

SRDC offers special courses to give a comprehensive understanding on Emeralds, Rubies and Sapphires, the most popular gemstones in India. This ensures there is no gap when applying the understanding to work.


SRDC has designed its Gemology Course according to diverse student profiles. So, while there are the business and graduate programs, it also has a crash course for some students who either for the lack of time or for an eagerness to learn a new technology. SRDC also openly welcomes the very young ‘juniors’ at learning about gemmology, offering them a 5 session seminar so they can test the waters.


SRDC Gemology Courses are also online, encouraging distance learning. In a unique tie-up with World Gem Foundation, SRDC is appointed to offer its gem and gemmology course online. A Handbook by industry veteran Geoffrey M. Dominy – Founder and personality behind designing the course, gives a deep understanding of this field.

With the many routes in gemology shown practically, every student is sure to develop their understanding and find their own focus; go a step closer to creating their unique value in this industry.

SRDC conducts its courses with the confidence that theory and practicality sum up a complete education. To know more visit

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