November Birthstones: Citrine & Topaz

November month enjoys having two stones namely Citrine and Topaz as birthstones.

Both birthstones are known to heal, soothe and impart calmness.


Golden Yellow colour which is the colour of the Sun or the Sunshine is preowned by Citrine which belongs to Quartz Family. Hardness thus is 7 on Moh`s Hardness scale. As Citrine is composed of Silica with iron impurities which imparts Golden yellow colour to it. Citrine is sold as Yellow Topaz in the market but the seller normally disclose to the buyer.

Citrine comes in wide shades from light yellow which is normally natural colour to dark brownish oranges yellow which is sold as Madeira Citrine, more preferred by brands for concept jewellery. Carnelian Agate, Spessartite garnet, Fire opal, Imperial Topaz are some of the known simulants of Citrine.

Preferred cuts for Citrine are mixed cut (of Brilliant top and Kamal cut pavilion) for regular fashion jewellery and for concept jewellery- Concave cut, sugar loaf cut, mix cabochons,  carved beads and fancy laser cuts are used. 

Citrine carved or faceted or plain beads – either round ball, oval bead are used by many in strings which serves the alternative for metal chains.

Citrine Boulder or a geode adds soothing to ambience in a well decorated lawn or an art gallery.

Many darker citrine nowadays found in the market are generally heat treated Amethyst. Affordability of Citrine has created an obvious market for itself in today’s gem and jewellery Industries.

Bi coloured quartz, very famously known as Ametrine – proportionately Amethyst and Citrine, either 50:50, 70:30, 80:20 or 60.40 in the ratio and vice versa, are in demand as an exotic quartz. This is mainly found in Brazil. The mine bearing Ametrine rough is getting depleted and so synthetic version also available in the market. Natural Ametrine are normally available in lighter shades and frequently loses its bi-colour character on heating. Concave cut gives darker appearance (illusion) from face up and is liked by many as centre stone in pink gold jewellery.


Another November birthstone derived from the word Topazos. Topaz falls under orthorhombic crystal system of which all varieties are lustrous and attractive.

Generally topaz is found in pegmatite rocks. Mineral Topaz normally found in white to pale colour, light pink which is rarer, tinted sky blue and orange colour or oranges yellow colour. Orange or Oranges yellow colour is known as Imperial Topaz and clearer goods fetch high price in the market.

Pink topaz is semi transparent to opaque in nature and clean stones are rare. Mostly found are white topaz or clear topaz or say colourless topaz. If this clear topaz is cut like diamond, its shine is dearer and lustrous.  Topaz show characteristic basal cleavage which makes him brittle meaning a pressure exerted on cleavage plane will force stone to create mirror crack from which it will part over a period under pressure with smooth surface.

White topaz are found everywhere on earth. Wherever diamonds are mined, along with that garnet and topaz are also found. So they are found clean and abundantly in nature and hence are semi precious stones. This white Topaz undergoes irradiation treatment and amount of exposure to gamma radiation determines the colour imparted in the stone. A month or so imparts Sky Blue colour to the stone, whereas 4-6 months exposure imparts Baby Swiss to darker Swiss blue colour. Prolong exposure up to 10-12 months imparts Greenish blackish blue colour called London Blue colour as pronounced in the market. Yellow topaz is basically white topaz with iron stain inclusion in the fracture which imparts yellow tinge to the stone. Citrine is referred to as Yellow Topaz in the market. Both are simulants to Yellow sapphire in the western world who represents planet Jupiter.

An American company Azotic Inc. came up with innovative way to colour Topaz by foiling/coating pavilion of white topaz with fusion colours. Mystic topaz, Pure Pink Topaz are some of the much sought after items of coated topaz.

Sky Blue topaz and Swiss blue topaz are much loved by Americans in the jewellery after Blue Sapphire.  Preferred cuts are all whether step cut or brilliant cut or both. Swiss blue Topaz Briolette are much preferred with white gold in combination in necklace set pieces.

London Blue Topazes are well adored and loved by Russians. Blue topaz are worn for beauty as well as for calming and soothing effect.


Author:  Rajesh Patel
(Author is a gemmologist, mentor, teacher & dealing in gemstone materials)


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