Packing Pen, Paper and Dreams to Surat

Packing Pen, Paper and Dreams to Surat

The April summer heat was no match for goosebumps and curiosity bubbling within to meet diamond leaders one-on-one and to see the making of a diamond, personally. Such was the mood of SRDC students on their two-day visit to Surat’s diamond market on April 13th and 14th. The outcome? A closer industry-student bond. 

It was also the very first industry visit for SRDC students from Sadhana School (an institute educating mentally challenged students) along with its regular students.


A rare meeting with stalwart Babubhai Gujarati, President- Surat Diamond Association and listening to his insights on Surat’s diamond market and its activities. The eye-opening walk through Surat’s Small Diamond markets like Mini Bazaar and Varacha Road etc., and guidance by Vinubhai Dhabi on cabins and markets. Witnessing the Rough-Polish process at B. Mahesh Factory – seeing planning, marking, cleaving, bruting, faceting and the play of Machinery and Intense Skills in cutting and polishing for the Perfect Shine!

























At INDIA’s FIRST COMPANY that launched SOLITAIRES – VENUS JEWELS, there was a precise balance between advanced technology, sophisticated machinery and stringent employee welfare. Shri Sevantibhai Shah broke inhibitions, as he said, “Give your 100%. Don’t compromise or stop till you achieve your dreams.” His foresight to launch large stones has made Venus Jewels a world leader in large stones today.

Encountering CSR at Kiran Hospital was touching. The modern facility with its helipads is a wonderful support for employees.

1:30 pm – Sharing oneness during Lunch at HK Hub at Ichhapur, Exploring different departments, machinery and processes with guidance by Mr. Jatin Chadha (J.C.) and overwhelming moments with Shri Savjibhai Dholakia who spent ample time interacting and answering student questions.


























SPJ Sadhana School students were given rough diamonds to polish at HK HUB. They performed the process with precision leaving all dazzled.








SRDC’s regular students were inspired to see the dedication, punctuality and discipline of the SPJ Sadhana School and are eager to incorporate them into their lives.

Industry members were not only surprised but moved by the attention to detail and questions posed by the students of SPJ Sadhana School.

The industry saw talent taking shape.



This was no ordinary visit. It was one that would write a new chapter in the making of SRDC students’ dreams!

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