When Students from our Sister Country call, We Answer!

When Students from our Sister Country call, We Answer!

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Everyone at IIG has a knack for imparting knowledge about diamonds to others and keeping this in mind our MD Mr. Rahul Desai conducted a seminar in our sister country Burma. An enthusiastic crowd of over 600 students, jewellers and diamond enthusiasts gathered to attend a 2-day seminar organized by IIG (International Institute of Gemology), in Mandalay – Myanmar (Burma). It took place between 22nd September to 23rd September 2018, this was followed by a 5-day practical workshop between 24th September and 29th September and a seminar in Yangon between 29th September and 30th September.

The seminar brought to the table insights about diamonds – their 4Cs, their natural characteristics, differentiation between natural and man-made diamonds and more, leaving participants better informed at the conclusion of the seminar.

We were happy to see the enthusiasm of the Burmese students at the seminar, our 2 day seminar was packed with fellow diamond enthusiasts. Mr. Rahul loved how the students kept asking questions and had a hunger to learn more. The students didn’t miss a chance to take notes whenever they could throughout the seminar. We’re sure that everyone gained a lot of knowledge by the end of the Seminar.

The 2-day seminar was followed by a 5-day practical workshop on diamond grading. We spoke to the students before the workshop and saw their performance at the end of the workshop, the results were tremendous. In only 5 days they could distinguish blemishes, inclusions and judge international colour grades. It is safe to say that the 5-days of practical workshop got them at par with a professional of over 2 years of experience.

“If you read a 100 books it won’t be enough unless you hold a loupe in your hand and have some practical experience when it comes to the Diamond industry!” said Mr. Rahul Desai, MD International Institute of Gemology.


After a successful practical workshop our team travelled all the way to Yangon to conduct a seminar on Diamonds and its 4C’s for our students their. Needless to say, it was an amazing crowd and their hunger to learn more inspires us to impart diamond education all around the around. We hope to achieve that accomplishment soon!


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