Diamond Graduate

FLUORESCENCE IS GOOD OR BAD? When shopping for an engagement diamond ring, first of all we look for the 4Cs:...
In diamond terms, it refers to the face-up appearance of a stone, and one that you would call “spread” or...
What is the most important factor when you buy diamonds? Color or Clarity? Which C’s is more imporatant while we...
The Color of Diamonds Diamond in its pure form is colorless, but natural diamonds commonly display a range of colors....
The word “CUT” has a different meaning. It is synonymous with “the making” a combination of operations (Cleaving, Sawing Bruting,...
What Is A Carat? Carat weight is the standard unit of weight used for weighing all gems, Including diamonds. The...
Clarity simply means examining a diamond in a systematic way, recognizing its clarity characteristics, and deciding its visibility and impact....
CVD is another name for Synthetic Diamonds, Diamonds which are born in the laboratory and not under the earth’s crust....
100 Miles beneath the earth… Diamond forms under high temperature and pressure conditions that exist only about 100 miles beneath...
International Institute of Gemology (IIG) sponsored Student of the year awards to 10 winners with the scholarship amount 10 lacs...

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